D365 eCommerce – My personal copy-paste blog

This blogpost is meant for myself as a copy-paste of stuff I often use when working with Dynamics 365 eCommerce. If others can benefit from it just makes me happy.

URL’s when working with D365 eCommerce sites:

Depending on the URL, you need to add the prefix ‘?’ for the first parameter, and ‘&’ for the next etc.

preview=inprogres Preview pages that is not published in sitebuilder


debug=true Turns on debug mode and displays module errors




theme= adventureworks

Change the theme of the site to check if there could be issues with your own theme.
domain=xxx.yyy.com Set the domain. Only relevant on dev/test environments
cachebypass=get Bypasses any cache

To sign-out


Also when looking for page source code, search for “SDK” to see version of the site.


When working with eCommerce sites, I don’t want the search indexer to pick-up development stuff. Here are the Robots.txt that prevents search engine to crawl the site. As realized in practice, search engines REALLY want to sell our stuff, and you may get unwanted traffic into your development site.

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

Yarn commands

When working in visual studio code the following commands are used a lot.

yarn --force
Installing all the dependencies specified in the package.json


yarn cache clean
Clean any cache
yarn start
Build and launch the Node server using the port defined in the .env file
yarn msdyn365 pack
Creates a package (modules, data actions, themes, and so on). This package will then be uploaded to LCS.
yarn msdyn365 pack --preview
Get the good stuff. Creates a package with the latest SDK preview version
yarn msdyn365 update-versions module-library

yarn msdyn365 update-versions retail-proxy

yarn msdyn365 update-versions sdk
Updates the entity (SDK, module library, or retail proxy) versions to the latest release.

and add –preview to get preview versions

remove-item .\yarn.lock
Remove the lock
Remove-Item -path .\build\ -recurse -force

Remove-Item -path .\lib\ -recurse -force

Remove-Item -path .\node_modules\ -recurse -force

Remove-Item -path .\submission\ -recurse -force

Remove stuff


https://%5BCSU-URL%5D/commerce/GetEnvironmentConfiguration Get a lot of metadata of version, .NET etc
https://%5BCSU-URL%5D/commerce/Swagger Yupp, but not yet

URL’s when working with D365 F&O:

Depending on the URL, you need to add the prefix ‘?’ for the first parameter, and ‘&’ for the next etc:



Quick switching between languages
theme=0..4 session color



&density=30 on a tablet and use &density=21 on your PC
Cmp=USFM Company
limitednav=true Reduce navigation
embedded=true Remove any fancy many/banner stuff
hidesplash=true Hide startup splash screen, and save 0.000001 secound in startup time
debug=true Debug mode of Dynamics 365, so see timings
mi=xxx Menu item
mi=SysClassRunner&cls=xxx Runnable class name, try SysFlushAOD and enjoy the slowly crawling experience of rebuilding any caching (This is a joke!!!)
mode=trial Funny one to guide new users around. I think this is meant for trials


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